The trip to Colorado was incredible. Being a sworn and proud flatlander, it's always edifying to head into the mountains. We spent two days in Frisco/Breckenridge where I got some good training hikes into the Eagle's Peak Wilderness area above Frisco, CO, then on to Ouray, CO, where I was able to hit many of the town trails such as Portland Mine, Silvershield, and the Cascade system, along with the Red Mountain area between Ouray and Silverton, maxing out at 13,000 feet. Mostly hiking, a little downhill running, although I was surprised the altitude really didn't affect me much until over 12,000 ft. On to Colorado Springs for Pike's Peak, Garden of the Gods, etc. No 14ers this time, other than driving to the top of Pike's. Not enough time to get in to Sneffels or Sunlight. Next time for sure. Oh, and plenty of Fat Tire, Avalanche, and Black Butte to grease the gears.
Still, the San Juan Mountains around Ouray and Silverton have to be among the most stunning mountains on the planet. Hardrock is a fantasy goal for sometime before I die. Or maybe as I'm dying? Whatever it takes. A few obligatory pics:Famous balancing rock at Garden of the Gods
Public school in Silverton, CO., start of Hardrock.
On the pass up between Red Mtn I and II.
Black Canyon of the Gunnison-- Montrose, CO. Not as wide as the Grand Canyon, but just as breathtaking.
Red Mtn area looking, I think, toward Wetterhorn Peak.
Taken from rutted Jeep road between Ouray and Silverton, near California Pass.
beautiful pictures. my hubby wants to move to silverton someday :)
thanks, angie! yeah, it's a great town. telluride is too posh now, ouray is awesome but the greasy spoons are now internet cafes, but silverton still has that mining town feel to it. incredible place. gunnison is another town with an earthy, progressive vibe, although not right in the san juans.
Beautiful scenery! Sounds like a fun trip.
Great photos. Thanks for sharing!
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