So, you might wonder why it would be worth the time to read an 18th c. philosopher like Voltaire in the 21st century? With regards to Candide, that's an easy question to answer. a. It's short b. It's wildly funny c. It's a multilayered, complex work of fiction that would appeal to even a semi-keen intellect, and d. It's one of those "classics" that everyone should read that isn't actually a pain to read; in short, it's an easy one to cross off your list.
We dig a a little deeper. What is Voltaire on about here? What is the point. I see three main planks to the greatness of Cadide
I. Philosophic inquiry: One could read it largely as a rejection and satire of Leibniz's "this is the best of all worlds" philosophy. While Voltaire certainly intends this critique as a main function of the novel, there is a lot more packed in to 70 some odd pages: empiricism vs. rationalism, utopian visions, religion, "right living", etc.
II. Politics: I believe that Voltaire was also offering a scathing critique of the optimistic philosophical stance of many in French society in the face of Bourbon oppression and the extreme conditions in which most of the third estate lived. A certain call to action through the person of Candide, who goes from mere survival at the outset of the novel to action, then to a defined conclusion in which we are told "we must tend our own garden." Perhaps an allusion to the revolutionary ideal which Voltaire would soon help to inspire.
III. Fun: Yes, it's just a fun read. The humor is biting and holds up extremely well. Not only is Candide an insightful glimpse into the mind of maybe the most central figure of the European Enlightenment, but one could read it without a deep meditation into it's philosophical underpinnings, and just enjoy the craftsmanship of a fine piece of writing.
One final note: the Norton edition is absolutely crucial for the extreme usefulness of the footnotes and the secondary materials which help to further explicate the depth of the work, should one choose to know more after reading it. Highly recommended:
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Voltaire's Candide: A Review
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Saturday, December 22, 2012
walk, yes walk, four miles after the first snow of this el nino (?) year. crystal fairly glints off of each limb. as always, getting "out there" is what matters.
then today, 4-wheeler with andrew along mill creek. new downed trees. limbs. we don't make it back there as much as usual. he hunted with his 9-iron. broke still-forming ice. tracks: rabbit, deer, coon (maybe?). maybe grizzly. that's what he said.
listening to: samiam: tricky
been reading: nietzsche, "genealogy of morals"--haven't read him in 15+ plus years. a more mature and contextual reading than when i was an undergrad. or so i'd like to think.
also reading: "candide" by voltaire. first time. not sure why, it's marvelous!
provisional stuff on my winter break list: "thus spoke zarathustra" and maybe a re-reading of "philosophy of history" by hegel.
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Monday, October 22, 2012
In the last 14 months...
peregrinated 1,673 miles. very little of it running, rather mostly early morning walks. do get out for the occasional run, but not enough to feel really good about posting to a blog called dirttrailrunner.
a few early morning bike rides sprinkled in.
no facebook.
early morning bike rides are better. in fact, i think it's time for a new bike. maybe this week.
in other news, been listening to river city extension a lot lately. am always a couple years (at least) behind the trends. that's ok.
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