Saturday, May 28, 2016

berryman marathon 2016 edition

returned to berryman for the first time since 2007 (old race report here: )   i thought it would be fun to do this again as an early season reward for a decent spring, or just to enjoy a day in beautiful ozark mtn. foothills. 

i'm a different runner than i was in 2007 (older for one) but employed a similar conservative strategy.  race day conditions pretty perfect, starting low 50s into the mid-70s with sunshine.  hammered out some early miles with some gals from tn. doing their first race, then pulled away around mile 5 or 6. mostly power hiking the hills and tougher flats and running when i felt like it on the downs. was able to get into a nice rhythm in the middle portions, rolled into brazil creek aid station and said hello to mike and tonya siltman.

 had a couple of slight mental low points around 18-20, but pulled through.  stayed on cals and hydration, never cramped, never really lulled. i remember running the last 5 or 6 miles hard in '07 and tried something similar here, kicked the last 3 pretty decently, passed some runners and came in at 6:50.  i'm happy with this run, the trail is gorgeous, victoria white puts on a very low-key, i guess we could call it old school at this point, race with motivated volunteers and a nice post-race spread. 

drank a beer, had a burger, cruised the four hours to bloomington to see the jayhawks at the castle theater with kim.  one of my favorite bands of all-time put on an amazing show.  that's what i call a day.


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Steven said...
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